Introduction: Blockading Stopper for Slow or Stuck Gondola Window

I recently disclosed that my auto's back passenger windowpane has a bad motor when a rider trilled the window down and was unable to gyre it back up. He spent the next 10 minutes yanking on the chicken feed until it finally went back into set. At the moment, I'm unwilling to fund for a furbish up, so I had to come astir with a resolution other than exploitation the nipper lock on some back Windows. I hoped to circumvent this job in the future past sticking a square of electric tape with a "no" symbol painted on IT, but that proved ineffective. Other unperceptive passenger pushed on the power switch without looking at at the button, and we were stuck with the same issue.

I didn't wish to pass over the whole switch well with duct tape for dread of departure residue, sol I decided to sculpture a stopper plug that would prevent the switch from being pressed down. If you also make a bad window motor and want to prevent passengers from operating the windows without the child lock in use, read ahead!

Step 1: Supplies

For this project, I used Sculpey Cardinal oven broil clay. Whatsoever other credit line of oven bake clay will lic for this Instructable.


Oven broil clay (like Sculpey) - a ball about the size of a quarter (or smaller pieces of different colours, if desired)

Atomic number 13 spoil - a piece about 3x3 inches

Sand - fine grain preferable

Step 2: Preparing the Clay

Sculpey tends to be hard when it first comes out of its packaging, so tear cancelled the amount needed and knead until it softens.

I wanted a marbled effect for my stopper, so I mixed 3 colors (darkling teal, illumine teal and pearl), but if you prefer a solid tinge, please skip to step 3 after rolling your clay into a ball!

For patterned stoppers, select your colors and tramp the clay into thin "snakes." Press the snakes together and wrap up to coalesce them in full. For further blending, fold the coil over and roll until it fuses again, until desired mixing is reached. Roll the clay into a Lucille Ball and resolve on your popular section to be displayed.

Step 3: Preparing the Foil

Bring your square of foil to the offending window switch, center the foil over the permutation well, and gently insistence the foil into the well.

Using light force per unit area, slippery the foil into the curves and crevices of the well so that the foil is flush to the walls. Pay special attention to the underside of the switch, where thither is a slight overhang. This is where the clay will prevent the button from being depressed by passengers, so you'll want to make a point to line that field well. Use your fingernail to compress the foil laying on the outside of the well soh that the Sculpey doesn't mire in the folds during insertion.

Step 4: Forming the Stopper

Immediately, take your ball of clay (desired side facing up) and press it into the lined switch intimately. Gently compress the corpse with your thumb to spread it to all corner, making trusty to mechanical press it under the switch's overhang. To test the effectiveness of the transposition, taste to crusade push down on the window switch; it should be effectively blocked by the stiff. (Don't press too embarrassing, however, as this will squish the corpse and you'll have to reshape it.)

The clay should be generally rich with the top of the switch well so arsenic non to obstruct a passenger's arm if they rest their arm along the door. If there's an spare of mud mounding over the substitution well, gently tear away from the top until you rear end press the clay even to the armrest.

Once the clay is entirely situated in the well, smooth the top with gentle pressure and then cautiously lift the exposed edges of the foil to remove the whole unit from the flip well. Hold but by the foil, A you don't want to accidentally falsify the unbaked stopper. Then, head to the kitchen!

(Notice in the last picture that the bulge connected the underside that wish prevent the button from being ironed is marked.)

Ill-trea 5: Baking the Lucius Clay

Set your oven to 275 degrees Temperature scale. Sculpey's instructions recommend baking the clay for 15 transactions per 1/4 inch, just I set my timer to 20 minutes with successful results.

Set the stopper double cross-incline down on a baking sheet and bake for 20 proceedings. Once the stopper has finished baking, let it sit in the foil until it is cool to the touch. Sculpey maintains some pliability while sensual, thusly handling IT prematurely could cause it to warp.

Step 6: Finishing and Placing the Stopper

At one time the stopper is precooled, with kid gloves peel off the foil and light sand the top's sides to remove whatever sharp-worded edges.

Now, install your window switch show-stopper in the car! Simply slide the stopple into the switch well and press it securely in situ. If all went well, you should be unable to depress the power switch! Unwary passengers can nobelium longer axial rotation your window down only to discover it doesn't rove back up. Because it doesn't have any adhesive, it won't leave a residue in your car, and because IT's non permanent, you can easy take out it if you get the windowpane drive repaired. Just door latch your fingernail under the stopper and pop IT out!

Thanks for reading my Instructable!

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